National Child Protection Week – Putting Children First
The theme for National Child Protection Week 2020 is ‘Putting Children First’. As part of activities happening around the country the National Office for Child Safety (NOCS) joins hundreds of organisations by making a pledge:
‘We pledge to continue leading national policies and strategies to promote and enhance children’s safety and prevent future harm to children.’
National Child Protection Week is an important opportunity to raise awareness and encourage conversations about how we can all contribute to better protecting Australian children. NOCS is doing this by providing national leadership, working with Commonwealth, state and territory governments, and the non-government sector, to develop national strategies and policies to enhance the safety of children and young people. This work delivers on the important recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Protecting our children is particularly important during COVID-19. For many children, this is an uncertain and difficult time. Regular schooling, childcare arrangements, extracurricular activities, socialisation and daily routines may be disrupted. Increased isolation, more time online and being away from school, friends, family members and activities may create situations where children are at a greater risk of harm.
National Child Protection week is more important than ever, and we all need to ‘play our part’ in keeping children safe and well.
More information on National Child Protection Week activities is available on the NAPCAN website.