Policy guides and templates
The National Office has developed a suite of practical tools and resources to support service providers to adopt and implement the Minimum Practice Standards in different contexts and settings. The tools and resources are designed to support service providers to implement the Minimum Practice Standards, and in doing so uplift key areas identified by service providers.
The Minimum Practice Standards policy guides provide guidance and adaptable templates on privacy, informed consent, client referral, and information sharing.
Privacy policy guide
The Minimum Practice Standards privacy policy guide can be used by service providers to help clients understand how their information will be used and handled, including usage, disclosure, storage, management and security.
Privacy policy template
The Minimum Practice Standards privacy policy template is available for service providers to download to create their own privacy policy, with guidance from the privacy policy guide.
Informed consent guide
The Minimum Practice Standards informed consent guide can be used by service providers to ensure clients understand and consent to how their personal information will be collected and handled by the service provider, and to any use or disclosure by the service provider of their information that is not legally mandated.
Informed consent template
The Minimum Practice Standards informed consent form template is available for service providers to download to create their own informed consent form, with guidance from the informed consent guide.
Client referral guide
The Minimum Practice Standards client referral form guide assists service providers to facilitate streamlined referrals and appropriate information exchange when working collaboratively with the local service system.
Client referral template
The Minimum Practice Standards client referral form template is available for service providers to download to create their own client referral form, with guidance from the client referral form guide.
Information sharing guide
The Minimum Practice Standards information sharing policy guide helps service providers demonstrate how clients’ personal information is handled responsibly, meeting confidentiality and legal requirements.
Information sharing template
The Minimum Practice Standards information sharing policy template is available for service providers to download to create their own information sharing policy, with guidance from the information sharing policy guide.