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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

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Watch, listen to and share One Talk at a Time advertisements.

One Talk at a Time – 60 second advertisement

One Talk at a Time – 60 second advertisement

Child: I really want to go.

Adult: Ok, I'll think about it.

Adult: You know, it's never okay for someone to say or do things that make you feel uncomfortable. No matter what.

Adult: Yeah?

Child: How do I move this?

Adult: Try that one.

Adult: Hey

Child: Yeah?

Adult: You know, nobody should ever ask you to send pictures of yourself.

Adult: Okay.

Child: Yeah. Cool.

Adult: Cool.

Adult: And then they said

Child: No thanks!

Adult: That's right.

Adult: Because no one should touch you in a way that you're not okay with. Even our family or friends.

Adult: If you're not sure, you can always talk to me.

Voiceover: Conversations with our kids have the power to prevent child sexual abuse.

Voiceover: Every talk brings us closer to a world without it.

Voiceover: Let’s end child sexual abuse. One talk at a time.

Voiceover: Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.

One Talk at a Time – at the park – 30 second advertisement

One Talk at a Time – at the park – 30 second advertisement

Child: I really want to go.

Adult: Ok, I'll think about it.

Adult: You know, it's never okay for someone to say or do things that make you feel uncomfortable. No matter what.

Child: And if you're not sure, you can always talk to me.

Voice over: Every conversation brings us closer to a world without child sexual abuse.

Voiceover: Let’s end child sexual abuse. One talk at a time.

Voiceover: Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.

One Talk at a Time – at the bus stop – 30 second advertisement

One Talk at a Time – at the bus stop – 30 second advertisement

Child: Hey, how do I move this?

Adult: Try that one.

Adult: Hey

Child: Yeah?

Adult:  You know, nobody should ever ask you to send pictures of yourself.

Adult: If you’re not sure, you can always talk to me. Okay?

Child: Yeah. Cool.

Adult: Cool.

Voiceover: Every conversation brings us closer to a world without child sexual abuse.

Voiceover: Let’s end child sexual abuse. One talk at a time.

Voiceover: Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.

One Talk at a Time – reading a book – 30 second advertisement

One Talk at a Time – reading a book – 30 second advertisement

Adult: And then they said

Child: No thanks!

Adult: That's right.

Adult: Because no one should touch you in a way that you're not okay with. Even our family or friends.

Adult: If you're not sure, you can always talk to me.

Voiceover: Every conversation brings us closer to a world without child sexual abuse.

Voiceover: Let’s end child sexual abuse. One talk at a time.

Voiceover: Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.

One Talk at a Time – it’s never OK – 30 second audio advertisement

One Talk at a Time – it's never OK – 30 second audio advertisement

Voiceover: Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.

Adult 1: Well, it’s never OK for someone to do or say anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Adult 2: And if they do you can always just come and talk to me.

Adult 3: Even if it’s someone we’re close with, yeah?

Voiceover: Every conversation with our kids about child sexual abuse brings us closer to a world without it.

Voiceover: Let’s end child sexual abuse, one talk at a time.

Voiceover: Find out how at

One Talk at a Time – sending pictures online – 30 second audio advertisement

One Talk at a Time – sending pictures online – 30 second audio advertisement

Voiceover: Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.

Adult 1: Yeah ‘cause, no one should ever ask you for a picture of yourself online.

Adult 2: No matter who they are, it’s not OK.

Adult 3: And if you’re not sure, you can always talk to me.

Voiceover: Every conversation with our kids about child sexual abuse, brings us closer to a world without it.

Voiceover: Let’s end child sexual abuse, one talk at a time.

Voiceover: Find out how at


If you or a child are in immediate danger, call Triple Zero (000).

Information on reporting child safety concerns can be found on our Make a report page.

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The information on this website may bring up strong feelings and questions for many people. There are many services available to assist you. A detailed list of support services is available on our Get support page.