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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Share the campaign

Share the campaign

Together we can end child sexual abuse. One talk at a time.

Share the ads

One Talk at a Time’ features four ads: one 60 second ad, and three 30 second ads which include examples of conversations adults can have with children and young people in their lives about child sexual abuse. You can view the ads on our website or on the childsafetygovau YouTube

To share the ads from our website, you can either click the ‘share’ button in the top right corner of the video, or right click on the video and select ‘copy video URL’. You can then share or post this URL on your channels. 

To share the ads from YouTube, you can click the ‘share’ button underneath the bottom right side of the video, or right click and select ‘copy video URL’. You can then share or post this URL on your channels.

We have some suggested text below to help you create your post.

You can also share the ads in other languages.

Suggested text for social media posts

Here are some messages you can share on your social media channels alongside the ads or campaign social media tiles. 

  • Child sexual abuse is preventable
  • Let’s end child sexual abuse, one talk at a time
  • Proactive conversations can be age-appropriate and positive
  • By having these conversations, you can be part of the solution
  • All adults have a role to play in preventing child sexual abuse
  • There are tools and resources available to help
  • Visit
  • Conversations with children and young people have the power to prevent child sexual abuse. Understanding how, when, and where to have these conversations is an important first step. Find out how at
  • Talking to children about child sexual abuse has the power to prevent it. Knowing how to bring up the topic can be challenging but there’s tools and resources to help. Find out how at
  • You might not be an expert in the topic but no one knows the kids in your life better than you do. You are the right person to have conversations with children and young people you know about child sexual abuse. Find out how at
  • It’s also important to talk to other adults around you. These conversations might feel uncomfortable at first, but they are important. Every conversation helps prevent child sexual abuse. Find out how at
  • You can learn more about how, when, and where to have these conversations and access a range of tools and resources at

Share tools and resources


We have developed a series of stakeholder kits that contain guidance and information to help you share and promote key campaign materials and resources on social media and with your networks.

Campaign launch – October 2023

Tools and resources – March 2024

 Tools and resources – January 2025


If you or a child are in immediate danger, call Triple Zero (000).

Information on reporting child safety concerns can be found on our Make a report page.

Get support

The information on this website may bring up strong feelings and questions for many people. There are many services available to assist you. A detailed list of support services is available on our Get support page.